Hot water tank quickly runs out
First Response 360 has helped hundreds of people with their hot water tank repair at an average cost of £328. Enter your details below to search prices and availability.

Why you should get a qualified plumber to fix your hot water tank
A sudden blast of cold water when you’re in the shower can be a shock to the system. This is quite common if you have guests over and suddenly use more water than usual. But if your hot water tank runs out frequently, we recommend getting a plumber to do a thorough assessment.
One of the most common reasons for your hot water tank running out quickly is built-up sediment in your water tank. Because sediment is heavier than water, it can stop the element from heating up properly. To fix this problem, your plumber will flush out the system and add an anti-limescale treatment.
If your family has grown, you’re likely to use more hot water than before. And that means you may have to get a bigger water tank. A qualified plumber will quickly assess your household’s water and heating needs and recommend the best type and size. They’ll also check your boiler and thermostat for faults and do the necessary repairs or suggest the best replacement.
How can First Response 360 help?
We work hard to make sure you’re getting the best service. After every job, we ask our customers for open and honest feedback and we guarantee the work for 12 months. So you know you’re in safe hands.
This guarantee is backed by British Gas and covers the labour and all parts. If something goes wrong in the first 12 months, simply get in touch with your First Response 360 and explain the issue. We always give them the opportunity to put things right first. But if you’d like to speak to a member of our team instead, just give us a call.