Shower repair
First Response 360 has helped hundreds of people with their shower repair at an average cost of £209. Enter your details below to search prices and availability.

Why you should get a professional to fix your shower
Whether yours is an electric, a mixer or a thermostatic, showers can sometimes prove to be problematic. The pressure can drop suddenly, the water temperature can change wildly on its own and they can even start spraying out from places they’re not supposed to.
They’re delicate appliances that require some care from time to time, and when they break, it’s important to get them fixed properly.
We suggest trying to work out the problem, first to see if you can fix it yourself. Perhaps you just need to replace the shower head or the connection between the body and the hose. If you think the solution is straightforward enough, then get your DIY hat on.
If you can’t make sense of the problem, it’s to call in a professional rather than grab your toolbox and do more damage than good. They’ll be able to properly identify the problem, and not only repair and replace properly, but they can save you a lot of time and worry, too.
How can First Response 360 help?
We can put you in touch with a local plumber who can visit you to see the problem for themselves and give you a free quote. They can advise you on your options and let you know what’s best for your home’s hot water system.
Not only do they live nearby which means they’ll be with you in no time at all, but our professionals are also vetted to ensure you a truly high-standard service. We even make sure their tools are ship-shape so that they can get their jobs done to the best of their ability.
So, why not let a professional take a look at your problematic shower? They’ll be able to have it working wonderfully in no time at all.