Tap Replacement, Fitting & Repair
First Response 360 has helped 829 people with their tap replacement at an average cost of £117. Enter your details below to search prices and availability.

Why should you get your taps replaced by a plumber?
Whether you’re in the process of redecorating, or your tap simply isn’t working efficiently, tap replacement is sometimes necessary. Hiring a qualified plumber is the best option for replacing taps, particularly if your taps are leaking or a part has come loose.
A plumber will do the job properly, saving you time and stress, whilst ensuring you don’t have to pay any extra from doing the job yourself and creating more damage.
How can First Response 360 help?
A First Response 360 Plumber can replace your kitchen taps and bathroom taps, whether it’s a simple replacement of the same model or a completely new model i.e. with smart technology or pull-out nozzles. Before work begins, our plumbers will assess your current plumbing system and check whether any alterations will need to be made to existing pipework.
First Response 360 helps you to find highly qualified Plumbers in your area, saving you time searching for the right tradesman and instead providing you with a selection of the experienced specialists. If you’re experiencing any other problems with your plumbing, there’s never a Local Hero too far away.